How Thailand’s Cannabis is Overlooked by Its Own Healthcare System

By Thailand THC

thailandTHC > News > How Thailand’s Cannabis is Overlooked by Its Own Healthcare System

  • Why It Matters: Dr. Thiravat highlights the underutilization of cannabis, a plant with a century-old tradition in Thai herbal medicine, now overshadowed by Western pharmaceuticals.
  • The Big Picture: The debate around cannabis in Thailand reflects broader issues of cultural identity, medical autonomy, and the clash between traditional and Western medicine.
  • What To Watch: The potential for Thailand to lead in integrating cannabis into modern healthcare, challenging the dominance of imported, synthetic drugs.

BANGKOK, THAILAND – In a passionate appeal to the nation, Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha, a leading figure in Thai medical science, has voiced his concerns over the neglect of cannabis, a plant deeply rooted in Thailand’s herbal medicine tradition. Despite its documented use in Thai royal medicinal recipes for over a century, cannabis faces a modern-day paradox: its potential healing properties are overshadowed by misconceptions and regulatory hurdles, pushing Thailand to follow in the footsteps of Western pharmaceutical practices rather than embracing its own heritage.

Dr. Thiravat, head of the Emerging Infectious Disease Health Science Center at Chulalongkorn University, lamented the current state where cannabis, once a cornerstone of Thai traditional medicine, is now relegated to the sidelines. The push for synthetic, single-molecule drugs from the West, often at exorbitant costs, overlooks the holistic benefits that cannabis, with its complex compound profile, offers.

This situation is further complicated by the legal and cultural barriers that prevent the widespread acceptance and use of cannabis within the Thai healthcare system. Dr. Thiravat points out the irony in the Thai public’s resistance to cannabis, fueled by a lack of awareness about its benefits and the stigmatization of its use, while the healthcare system hastily adopts foreign drugs with little scrutiny over their cost-effectiveness or cultural relevance.

The call to action by Dr. Thiravat is not just about cannabis but represents a broader plea for Thailand to reclaim its medical sovereignty. It challenges the country to recognize the value of its own natural resources and traditional knowledge in the face of global pharmaceutical influences. By integrating cannabis into contemporary medical practices, Thailand has the opportunity to pave the way for a healthcare model that respects both tradition and scientific innovation.

As Thailand stands at this crossroads, the future of cannabis in Thai medicine remains uncertain. The dialogue initiated by Dr. Thiravat opens up critical questions about the role of traditional medicine in modern healthcare, the importance of cultural preservation, and the potential for Thailand to lead a new path in the global discourse on cannabis and health.

Read the original article on MGR Online
