The Rise of Thai Cannabis: How Local Strains Are Making International Waves

By Thailand THC

thailandTHC > News > The Rise of Thai Cannabis: How Local Strains Are Making International Waves

BERLIN, GERMANY – Thai cannabis producers, armed with the unique strain Tyro-01, made a significant impact at the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC 2024) held in Berlin, Germany. According to the Thai commercial envoy in Germany, cannabis products show a promising future in the German market, which opens doors for global market access.

On April 17, 2024, at 10:00 AM, WISARAT POJPRASAT, president of the Thai Medical Cannabis Industrial Estate, alongside leaders from the Western Herb Enterprise Community Network of Kanchanaburi, shared insights at the ICBC hosted at the Estrel Convention Center. PATCHARA RATANABUPPHA, the director of the Thai Trade Promotion Office in Berlin, was also present, providing guidance on international trade and legal nuances beneficial for Thai entrepreneurs.

WISARAT highlighted the ongoing presence of Thai cannabis businesses at the ICBC since 2022, praised for their contributions to global discussions on the cannabis industry’s future. On April 1, 2024, Germany implemented the Consumer Cannabis Act, which allows individuals aged 18 and over to possess up to 25 grams of dried cannabis flowers and grow up to three plants per household, strictly for private use within EU regulations.

The Thai Medical Cannabis Industrial Estate has also established Cenwha Intertrade in Germany to accommodate the growing European market. This move signifies a potential shift making Germany a hub for the cannabis business within the EU, driven by innovations like specialized medical devices for producing cannabis-based medications for diseases such as diabetes and kidney conditions.

“Thai cannabis has superior characteristics due to optimal geographic and climatic conditions, making it highly suitable for producing strains with high THC levels, and other cannabinoids like THCV, CBN, CBG, and CBC,” said WISARAT.
