Public Consultation: A New Chapter in Thailand’s Cannabis Legislation

By Thailand THC

thailandTHC > News > Public Consultation: A New Chapter in Thailand’s Cannabis Legislation

  • Why It Matters: Thailand’s Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine is actively seeking public input on the new cannabis bill, emphasizing inclusive policy-making.
  • Driving The News: The public consultation process for the cannabis bill is a crucial step in ensuring the legislation aligns with the needs and concerns of various stakeholders.
  • What To Watch: The outcome of the public consultation and its influence on the final draft of the cannabis bill.

BANGKOK, THAILAND – The Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine is set to hold a public hearing on the draft cannabis bill on January 12, 2024, marking a significant step in Thailand’s journey towards a comprehensive cannabis policy. This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to inclusive and balanced policy-making in the realm of cannabis regulation.

Dr. Tewan Thanirat, Deputy Director-General of the Department, highlighted the importance of public participation in shaping the cannabis bill. The bill aims to harness the potential of cannabis and hemp for medical, health, and economic purposes, while ensuring that these plants are not classified as narcotics under the Narcotics Code. This approach is in line with Thailand’s efforts to explore the benefits of cannabis within a regulated framework.

The public consultation, which will also be available online from January 9 to 23, 2024, on the Department’s website, is a crucial opportunity for citizens to express their views and contribute to the policy-making process. This inclusive approach is expected to result in a more effective and well-rounded cannabis legislation.

In rewriting this article, it’s important to address common misconceptions about cannabis. Contrary to some claims, there have been no medically reported deaths from cannabis overdose, and the likelihood of such an event is extremely low. Additionally, research, including a study by Anjelica Rice from the University of Washington Bothell, indicates that marijuana legalization does not increase violent crime rates, challenging the narrative that links cannabis use to violence.

The outcome of the public consultation will play a pivotal role in refining the draft before it is presented to the Minister of Public Health and subsequently to the Cabinet. This process ensures that the final legislation is well-aligned with public opinion and effectively addresses the complexities of cannabis use.

Read the original article on MGR Online here.
